Cyber security and why is it important?
Having an understanding of programming or coding can be very helpful for cybersecurity professionals. Languages such as Python, C and C++, JavaScript, and even assembly language will help a cybersecurity professional on the job side.
We know that programming is one of those subjects that tends to make complete beginners panic, but with patience and dedication, a good understanding of any one of these five programming languages will give you a marketable edge when we want a position in the cyber security world .
While it would be impossible for any one person to fill all the roles that make an effective cyber team, we should have few concepts absolutely clear and they are :-
• It is important for all professionals to have a general knowledge of computer technology.
• This general knowledge is invaluable in understanding the threats you may come into contact with during your career.
• Cyber attacks are not limited to any one type and range from social engineering attacks to SQL injections.
• As a cyber professional it is important for you to recognize both the causes and symptoms of whatever threat we face. Consequently, while employers may not require that you know how to code, having coding knowledge can really give you an advantage on the job.
• Coding knowledge can give us the insight we need to recognize what a piece of software is doing, and even if it’s malicious code or not.
• This is why so many cybersecurity educational programs recognize the necessity of programming and introduce their students to at least an introductory course.
Some other basic concepts that we need to be aware of are :-
1. No one programming language will provide a comprehensive understanding of every application-level and hardware weakness.
2. For instance, an understanding of C can enable you to spot buffer overflow vulnerabilities in systems software.
3. Familiarity with Perl can assist you in testing applications for errors.
4. Proficiency in JavaScript can be useful in identifying security issues in web applications.
5. And knowing SQL will help you prevent Structured Query Language injection (SQLi) attacks, a specific type of cyber attack that allows an attacker to manipulate SQL statements and penetrate a secure, SQL based database.
Why learning programming is important for cyber security?
If we Simply put, it makes you better at your job. Understand programming helps cyber security experts examine software and discover security vulnerabilities, detect malicious codes, and execute tasks that involve analytical skills in cyber security.Corporations are vulnerable to cyber attacks, but individuals are targets too, often because they store personal information on their mobile phones and use insecure public networks.
Tracking evolving and increasing cyber attacks is key to better cyber security. As cyber security professionals work to increase their knowledge of threats and cyber security information, earning an online cyber security master’s degree can be invaluable, having a background in programming and coding can surely give the individual a better edge.
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3 min readApr 15, 2021